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Shrnutí: When can you start? vitalis vitamin b12 vital kur inhaltsstoffe Tom Brady never loses his composure, but he was so frustrated with what’s going on with the Patriots offense that he was yelling and screaming on the sidelines Thursday at no one in particular after an incompletion in the end zone. He should be yelling at Bill Belichick for the awful set of receivers the coach has stuck him with this season. Belichick really blew it by not re-signing Wes Welker, who went to Denver for the under-market price of $12 million over two years. It made no sense why Belichick didn’t make Welker a priority. All Welker does is catch more than 100 passes per season and is a great friend of Brady’s. Instead, the Pats signed Danny Amendola to a five-year $31 million deal that included $10 million guaranteed. Amendola, generously referred to as Welker Lite, has a history of not being able to stay on the field and he’s already hurt. Belichick outsmarted himself. None of New England’s top five receivers from 2013 was on the field against the Jets and only Rob Gronkowski is still on the roster. Julian Edelman had 13 catches against the Jets for 78 yards, a measly six-yard average. The Patriots struggled to beat the Bills and Jets, each playing rookie quarterbacks. They have no firepower. “Well, we have a long way to go,” Brady said. “No one’s coming to rescue and save the day, so we’ve just got to fight through it and have got to work harder and do better and try to be more consistent. Hopefully we can score more points.”

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